This page includes resources related to a presentation I gave at Cactusforce 2025. Session Title Architect’s Guide to Designing Composable Solutions Session Description This session will offer attendees insights into the practical application of composable solutions on the Salesforce platform. Attendees will learn from the real-world example of how Western […]
Tag: CumulusCI
Data Generation Recipe for Student Success Hub
As residential universities struggle to establish the level of student engagement with in-person courses that existed before the pandemic, some are looking at implementing the type of student support infrastructure that has long been in place at online universities, which typically cater to working adults juggling many priorities. For universities […]
Add Apex Code Coverage to GitHub Pull Requests with SonarCloud
In the previous SonarCloud post, we looked at how to set up SonarCloud code analysis for Salesforce using automatic analysis, as well as GitHub Actions to trigger scans from a CI job. If you want to include Apex test code coverage in the SonarCloud dashboard then running the scan from […]
Using Snowfakery for Generating Data
Last month I had the opportunity to contribute to the community sprint and worked on the Test Data Generation project. I mainly worked with Patrick McNeal on a sample Snowfakery recipe for higher education. Snowfakery is an open source tool from that creates fake data with relationships and […]